At the invitation of Cristiano Raimondi, curator of the exhibition " Unstable Artifices ", the archives room of the Villa Sauber will present alongside this two-piece exhibition produced by JPRV (alias Jean-Philippe Racca Vammerisse) during the summer of 2020 at the Logoscope as part of the “Kaolin Monks” research program around the history of ceramic productions in Monaco. These echinoderm vases explore the mystery of the depths of the aquatic night.
The exhibition is visible from September 18 to January 31, 2021 at the NMNM, New National Museum of Monaco at the Villa Sauber, 17 avenue Princesse Grace in Monaco.
You can find other works by JPRV in " Racca Vammerisse. Dark night of the soul ” the latest monographic catalog published for the exhibition“ Jean-Philippe Racca Vammerisse. In the nocturnal region of my oblivion ”at the Fil Rouge and at the La Piscine Museum in Roubaix (FR) from December 2, 2017 to February 17, 2018.
Anchoring memory & Echynoderm vases
Her favorite medium is ceramic. She is at the service of her various sculpture projects. It thus imposes a rhythm on it, a resistance by its own characteristics. He then embodies the figure of the demiurge and frees the field of possibilities by developing a unique universe. To assert oneself today as a sculptor is also to be part of a tradition, of a history. The memorial anchoring linked to its family history, the heritage axis of the Moines Kaolin program and its residence in Madoura, place of art, history and creation in Vallauris Golfe-Juan in 2016, led him to rediscover an artistic and regional heritage of tourist ceramics and the historical as well as formal links existing between Vallauris and Monaco. He was particularly attached to the great suits of the Massier dynasty (Jérôme, Clément and Delphin). These planters and planters erected on pedestals with the effects of flamed and deliquescent enamels, dialogue with his work, which combines the notions of base / space and color / material.
In resonance with 19th century Naturalism, phantasmagorical bestiary and flora no longer evoke a sublimated nature but in a current ecological dimension, a mutant nature which remains just as fascinating… The two pieces presented on the sidelines of the exhibition Unstable Artifices , explore the mystery of the abyssal depths - a new land incognita - where the imagination rushes in. An extraordinary underwater fauna, these “crater” vases embody an intimate allegorical tale swelling like an abscess, or crumbling under the weight of gazes. "
Agnès Roux (September 2020)